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Nov 11, 2008

You Have Been Pre-Programmed For Victory

Are you living in the full abundant life God promised in His Word? God never created you to be just average. He doesn’t want you to drag around, barely making it, feeling defeated and depressed. God created you to be happy, healthy, and whole.

The Scripture says, "We have been made in the image of Almighty God". When God made you, He placed His very essence on the inside of you. One way to look at it is that you have the DNA of Almighty God. Just like your natural DNA comes from your parents, your spiritual DNA comes from your heavenly Father. The good news is that the spiritual always overrides the natural! God’s DNA will override any negative DNA in your family line! You are pre-programmed for victory! Your genes carry God’s favor, wisdom, strength, talent, and ability. He has breathed His life into you. By faith today, start declaring what the Word says about you.

Declare that every gift, every talent, every dream, every desire in your heart will come to pass. Declare that you will fulfill your purpose. Declare that you will overcome every obstacle. Declare that the seeds of increase, success, and promotion are taking root and the DNA of Almighty God is going to spring forth in your life in greater ways! As you stand and believe that you are pre-programmed for victory you will see new seasons increase, blessing, and favor all the days of your life!

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