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Mar 25, 2009

Walk Uprightly

“For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see His face” (Psalm 11:7)

Our God is a god of justice! He loves truth, and He loves what is right. The Bible promises that if we follow His plan and walk uprightly before Him, we will see His face. And God wants you to see His face. He wants to reveal Himself to you in ways you never imagined. Walking uprightly simply means following the Word of God with a humble heart. It means you have a heart to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. In this day and age, people have so many different ideas of what they think is right, but God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and His standard, the Word of God, will never change. The Bible also says in Psalm 84, that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. God longs to pour His blessing and goodness on your life. Choose to follow His Word and allow Him to work His purposes on the inside of you. As you do, you will walk uprightly and see His face and experience His hand of blessing in every area of your life!

Having the Right Image on the Inside

Did you know that how you see yourself determines what kind of life you going to live? Too many people go around with low self-esteem and a poor self-image. Society has a way of conditioning people to lose through failures, rejection, and past mistakes. Don’t let society distort the true image of who you really are, you were born to win! You were created for more than just average. You were created for more than just barely getting by. God created you in His own image! You have the blood of a champion on the inside! You didn’t come from ordinary stock. You came from the best of the best. God breathed His life into you and you have His royal blood flowing through your veins. He has equipped you with everything you need to succeed. You can overcome any obstacle and accomplish every goal in your heart because you have the DNA of Almighty God! No matter where you are, no matter what you’ve done, nothing can change your DNA. If you’ll develop the right image on the inside and see yourself as a champion, God says you will become what you believe and you will live the life of victory He has in store for you!

Forget Not His Benefits

“Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits…” (Psalm 103:2)

God has given us many benefits today! He’s given us so much to be thankful for. When you meditate on His goodness, faithfulness and blessings in your life, it will change you on the inside. When you focus on the fact that He saved you and set you free, the challenges and obstacles in your life will begin to fade away. Psalm 103 goes on to say that, “He crowns you with love and compassion and satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed.” No matter what you may be facing today, forget not His benefits! God wants to satisfy you with good things. If you need healing today, healing is a benefit. If you’ve made mistakes in your life, forgiveness is a benefit. If you feel tired and overwhelmed, strength is a benefit. As you turn your thoughts toward the Father today, He will strengthen and empower you to live as an over comer in every area of your life.

Enlarge Your Territory

“Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory…” (I Chronicles 4:10)

God wants to bless you and enlarge your territory. Your territory can be your sphere of influence or your realm of responsibility or authority. Are you ready for increase in your life today? You may desire God’s increase, but the Bible says we have not because we ask not. Are you asking for God’s blessing? Are you asking Him to enlarge your territory? When you ask God to bless you, your faith is activated which opens the door for Him to work in your life. Open your heart today and ask for God’s blessing, ask for His discernment and wisdom. Ask Him to make you more effective on your job; ask Him to increase the quality of your relationships; ask for more people to love and encourage. Ask Him to enlarge your territory so that you can be a greater blessing to those around you. As you take a step of faith in prayer today, God will hear you. He’ll open doors that no man can close and pour out His abundance in every area of your life!

Mar 13, 2009

The Apple of His Eye

“Keep me as the apple of your eye…” (Psalm 17:8)

God cherishes and values you so much today. You are the apple of His eye; the center of His world! In this day and age, people are considered to be important for so many different reasons—titles, position, possessions, where you go, what you drive. But God’s value system is very different from the value system of the world. If you’ve ever thought that God has too many other important things on His plate to be concerned with you and your life, know this today—you are God’s number one priority. And there’s nothing you can do to be more important or less important. God values you today simply because He made you, and your value will never change. You are significant. Your life is significant. The things that concern you, concern God. He carefully watches over every detail of your life, and there is nothing too big or too small for His attention. Take your concerns and cares to the Father today. He loves to hear you call upon Him, and He is waiting to show Himself strong on your behalf. Because you are important to Him, He is ready to bless and empower you to live in victory all the days of your life.

According to Your Faith

“According to Your faith, be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29)

A lot of time people think that when they have a need, that if God wanted to, He could just automatically meet it. But Jesus didn’t say, according to your need be it unto you; He said, according to your faith. That’s why it’s so important to have an attitude of expectancy every single day. If we want God to move in our lives, we have to approach every day filled with faith and hope. The scripture tells us in Romans that “faith comes by hearing the Word of God.” The more you have the Word of God in your life, the more your faith will grow and the more you will see Him working in your life. God longs to bless you, and He’s given you everything you need to be successful in life. Remember, all things are possible to those who believe! Believe in His goodness today and take a step of faith toward the life of blessing God has prepared for you!


"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7)

Is there an area of your life that you need God’s help in? A lot of times, it’s easy to think that we’re not supposed to ask for too much, but the scripture encourages us to go to God with all of our needs. He longs to give you the desires of your heart and pour out His favor and blessing on you. In fact, Jesus said, “You have not, because you ask not.” When you step out and ask for God’s favor, His blessings and His increase, you are activating your faith. And when you pray, make sure there isn’t anything in your heart that would block your faith. Begin your prayers by surrendering every thought and attitude to the Lord. Ask Him to purify your motives and show you if there is any unforgiveness in your life. When you release those things to the Lord, it opens the door for Him to move mightily on your behalf, and you will move forward into the life of blessing He has in store for you!

Higher Thoughts

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9)

God’s dream for your life is so much bigger than your own! He wants to bless you indeed and enlarge your territory. His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours, and His plan is so much bigger than we can imagine. Choose today to focus on the good things God has in store for you. Don’t allow the circumstances of life to drag your thoughts down. Choose to think God’s thoughts by meditating on His Word. The scripture says to “set your mind on things above.” Those “things above” are God’s thoughts and ways which are, “I am blessed and highly favored. I am above only and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail. I am a victor, not a victim. I am righteous, and my path shines brighter and brighter to the full day. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.” When you allow those higher thoughts to fill your mind, they will direct your steps, and you will rise higher in life! You will see yourself as an overcomer and live the abundant life the Lord has for you.

Your Time Is Coming

God has placed dreams and desires in each of our hearts. Are you believing for something that seems to be taking a long time? Are you tempted to quit? Maybe you’ve already given up on that dream. Today is a new day—it’s time for you to get your fire back! It may be taking a long time, but God is faithful! He promises to complete the work He began in your life. Don’t fall into the temptation to get complacent and think it’s never going to happen. Right now, whether you see it or not, God is working behind the scenes and arranging things in your favor. When you develop an attitude of expectancy, you open the door to His miracle-working power in your life. Decide today to declare His Word and speak words of victory. Start declaring today, “My time is coming...God is working behind the scenes on my behalf…I will fulfill my destiny…I will fulfill the plan God has for my life!” As you declare and expect God to move, your faith will grow. Your hope will grow. Keep expecting and waiting for the appointed time. As you do, you’ll step into the victorious destiny God has planned for you!

Confess and Believe

“If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9)

Salvation comes when you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that He was raised from the dead. In the same way, God’s Word becomes alive in our hearts when we confess and believe it. What are you confessing today? What are you saying about your situation? Are you confessing the Word and believing that God is at work behind the scenes? Or do you talk about your problems and always believe the worst. What ever you confess and put your faith in will come to pass in your life. If you’ve been saying the wrong things, simply repent today which literally means to turn around. You can turn around and start confessing and believing the Word. Don’t just let your mind and mouth wander any longer. Write down some scripture verses and take them with you. Be determined to speak the Word. As you allow His truth to sink down into your heart, you’ll find His salvation and victory in every area of your life.

Crowned with Goodness

“You crown the year with Your bounty and goodness…” (Psalm 65:11, AMP)

The Lord has crowned your year with bounty and goodness! That means there is an abundant supply for whatever you may need in life—spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially. And God has set up a system so that you can access His blessings. It’s the system of seedtime and harvest. If you have a need in your life, sow a seed. If you need friends, sow a seed by being a friend to someone. If you have a financial need, pray and ask the Lord where you should sow a financial seed. The Bible says to give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. That’s God crowning your year with bounty and goodness. Do you need mercy? Sow seeds of mercy. The more you sow, the more you will reap a harvest from God’s abundant bounty. Remember, He’s already crowned your year with His goodness. Take a step of faith today and believe that God is ready to pour out His abundant blessing on you all the days of your life.